Mistakes You Should Avoid On Your Licence Assessment Day
As you get closer to your driving test day, your confidence grows but so does the dread of actually having to go for the test. Anything can happen during a driving test and with many things out of your control (such as the weather or traffic levels)
We have a few tips that can help you on the day. At Highway Truck Driving School we take the time to prepare all our driving learners for their exams. This not only includes technical knowledge, but we also motivate them so that they are at their best on the test day. By doing so we have had very good outcomes and success rates to date.
Below are some mistakes that we tell all our driving learners to avoid during their driving exam.Â
Forcing the driving assessor to intervene
Dangerous driving is a no-no during the driving test. Excessive speed, cutting off other road users, or causing near-collisions will make your driving assessor intervene. Usually, they will do this by using their emergency brakes or grabbing the steering wheel in order to avoid a collision. So take care to abide by all the road driving rules and regulations during your driving examination.Â
Disobeying orders that are given by the assessor
Your driving assessor will give you a series of instructions during the driving test. These must be followed to the latter in a safe manner. If you do not understand any command that your assessor will give, feel free to ask them to clarify well in time. Disobeying an instruction that is given to you possibly can result in a bad score or may even be the reason why you fail the exam.Â
Failure to use correct intersection signals
Usually, this goes without saying but you would be amazed at the number of test-takers that forget this simple thing. Intersection signals not only inform the people ahead and behind you, but they also give you enough time to take the right position on the road. If you fail to use the correct signals at an intersection, then you will not do very well on that exam. Be aware of this.Â
Mounting Gutters and Sidewalks
Finally, mounting gutters and sidewalks are a no-no. This can cause damage to the truck and endanger any pedestrians that are walking on the sidewalk. If you do not feel well enough on the day, it is better to defer the test for some other day rather than driving when you are not at your best.Â
Now that you know why you must choose Highway Truck Driving School, contact us today and we will be able to help you get your HR Licence in Sydney.